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Island of the Blue Dolphins
1. 1. I felt as if I had been gone a long time as I stood there looking down from the high rock. I was happy to be home.
Everything I saw - the otter playing in the kelp, the rings of foam around the rocks guarding the harbor, the gulls
flying, the tides moving past the sandspit - filled me with happiness.
Help with essay on island of the blue dolphins
This quotation comes from the beginning of chapter eleven. Karana has awakened from her long sleep on the
shore, where she collapsed exhausted after her failed attempt to cross the sea in a canoe. This point in the novel
marks a turning point for Karana; before she had been able to stay on the island only because she believed that
the white men would come any day to retrieve her. When she realized they would not, she despaired and tried to
leave the island on her own. Looking out on the familiar sights of Ghalas-at, Karana sees it as her home and no
longer feels so lonely (even though she is alone). Her feelings are the complete opposite of those she expressed
only three days before; it is the same island, but her experience alone on the ocean has lead her to see it in a new
. Below me, Rontu was running along the cliff barking at the screaming gulls. Pelicans were chattering as they
fished the blue water. Far off I could hear the bellow of a sea elephant. But suddenly, as I thought of Tutok, the
island seemed very quiet.
This quotation comes from the beginning of chapter eleven. Karana has awakened from her long sleep on the
shore, where she collapsed exhausted after her failed attempt to cross the sea in a canoe. This point in the novel
marks a turning point for Karana; before she had been able to stay on the island only because she believed that
the white men would come any day to retrieve her. When she realized they would not, she despaired and tried to
leave the island on her own. Looking out on the familiar sights of Ghalas-at, Karana sees it as her home and no
longer feels so lonely (even though she is alone). Her feelings are the complete opposite of those she expressed
only three days before; it is the same island, but her experience alone on the ocean has lead her to see it in a new
. Ulape would have laughed at me, and others would have laughed, too - my father most of all. Yes this is the
way I felt about the animals who had become my friends and those who were not, but in time could be. If Ulape
and my father had come back and laughed, and all the others had come back and laughed, still I wouldhave felt
the same way, for animals and birds are like people, too, though they do not talk the same or do the same things.
Without them the earth would be an unhappy place.
This quotation comes from the end of chapter 4. The chapter describes a spring and summer during which
many of the animals Karana has become friends with start families. Karanas vow never to kill another animal or
bird marks the development of her own moral code, which is different from that of her people. That Karanas
morals are uniquely hers is expressed by her mention of her people in her declaration of her decision. Karana
knows that her people (especially Chowig, her father and Ulape, her sister) would find her new ethical standard
ridiculous, but Karana nevertheless espouses them, and explains her reasoning for the reader to understand.
4. Until that summer, I had kept count of all the moons since the time my brother and I were alone on the island.
For each one that came and went I cut a mark in a pole beside the door of my house. There were many marks,
from the roof to the floor. But after that summer I did not cut them any more. The passing of the moons now had
come to mean little, and I only made marks to count the four seasons of the year. The last year I did not count
These lines appear midway through chapter 5. In chapter twenty-five, many things happen to mark the passing
of time on the island of the blue dolphins; Rontu dies, a generation of otters comes and goes. This quotation
shows that time the way the rest of the world sees it has come to mean little for Karana. She has now been on
Ghalas-at many years, and her days have become indistinguishable one from the other.
5. Now that the white men had come back, I could not think of what I would do when I went across the sea, or
make picture in my mind of the white men and what they did there, or see my people who had been gone so long.
Nor, thinking of the past, of the many summers and winters and springs that had gone, could I see each of them.
They were all one, a tight feeling in my breast and nothing more.
This quotation comes from chapter twenty-nine, is in many ways related to above lines from chapter 5. This
quotation, like the last one, shows that Karanas days on the island have all melded together. However, now that
the white men have come for Karana, she is being thrust back into the time of the rest of the world. This quotation
also shows that Ghalas-at had become Karanas world during the time she stayed there. Now that she is leaving,
she cannot imagine a life outside the one she has know for so long.
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